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Rox , Franklin, TN Does the world listen to us? By James Montgomery I knew as I continued on to my destination, which was also Denver, my airspace would quickly begin to be squeezed.

I was certainly going to make sure I stayed out of their way! I knew that a big jumbo jet with quency which supervises air traffic East of Akron, hundreds of people on board was maybe one Colorado, and descend also to provide an extra minute away and less than two miles above my margin of comfort for my three passengers.

United, yelling and screaming about the jumbo jct just Continental, Delta and a dozen other cattle cars outside the window! International Airport at Denver, Colorado. My trip had started several hours and hunI was pilot in command of a single engine dreds of mi! Most aviation from my flight level. A mile is feet. In addi tion, I have been an station or via mail order from several sources. It is a clear blue day, not a cloud in sight, visibility is over miles.

And here is one for Ripley's "Believe It-or-Not": Most midair collisions occur on days just like this. It can be so beautiful that the pilot forgets to look out for the other guy. So I always add a laycrof"insurance" to my trip.

Many small airports without a tower, such as the one I departed, use This I had done but after departing the immediate airport area, I knew I could safely change frequencies. I changed one of my radios to the local FAA air sector control at I realize that they can get very busy directing the big boys; a constant communications link is the Jaw for anyone flying above flight level eighteen thousand feet above sea level.

But this is two hours before the "rush hour traffic" in and out of Denver and I suspect that all they have to do is watch a few transcontinental and Hawaii nonstop direct flights. The air traffic controllers via radar can advise each one of them about other nearby aircraft.

This is the electronic loop with which I want to connect. The transponder is a fixed frequency MHz transmitter which continuously trartSmits and acts as an identifier to the radar station looking at the aircraft. The range is line of sight or maybe miles if the plane is very high in the air. The code setting the controller has asked for is not a frequency, but a pulse code which gives my airplane a unique signal so that the controller can identify my radar image from all the other airplanes on the screen.

This is what the controller wants when I am requested to squawk. I key the transmitter of the transponder and at the same time transmit on He or she may be responsible for dozens of aircraft at the same time, but when I key the transmitter of my transponder, my radar blip on the radar screen will get bigger and flash. Now the FAA knows my exact position, and my altitude and can easily advise of any other aircraft converging on my position.

Typical minimum low altitude space. Unless they get too busy for me, I will stay plugged into thi s world of technology, flying with the big boys, until I reach my destination. Since I am flying under visual flight rules VFR , they have the right to terminate their service to me.

Approximately half way to Denver, another sector controller takes over and I am usually advised to sw itch to I also make sure my other navigational aids stay tuned to their proper frequency and geographical coordinates.

It is very embarrassing to have the FAA tell you that you are off course on your way to your stated destination. I have never found them to be wrong!! It is a smooth fli ght. About half way there, the purple, white-capped majesty of the Rocky Mountains start to make their presence known. Today we arc flying over the farm ing district of eastern Colorado. Our ground speed is MPH or over two miles per minute.

I know this from my "on board computer," the DME. This unit, Distance Measuring Equipment continuously talks via another on board radio to a site on the ground. I know within feet exactly how far I am from each way point and exactly how many minutes away at my present speed.

This information is continuously updated and displayed on my cockpit panel. I take time to monitor These are called PI REPS, Pilot Reports, and in marginal weather conditions are a great service to other pilots considering venturing into the same conditions.

Try listening to this frequency on a mostly cloudy, or stormy day and it should be full of traffic. If you do not hear anything, try Other frequencies may be primary in your area and a VFR chart will be needed. Finally we arc 70 miles cast of Denver. The bigger, faster planes above me arc already starting to get ready for landing. United, Continental, Federal Express, Delta will all be contacting their flight operations asking about ramp parking, connecting gates, requests for special assistance such as wheelchairs, and relaying other pertinent data such as needed routine maintenance, etc.

See Table One for an extensive list of frequencies. Being a light general aviation aircraft, fully aware of my limitations of weight and speed when up against the commercial jets, I have no intentions of landing at Stapleton!

But as I drive by, I can take advantage of some of their services like the ATIS Automatic Transcribed Weather Service ; a continuous tape of conditions at the airport, current wind, altimeter and active runways. I have chosen a "reliever airport" called Centennial, 18 miles to the south-a place for airplanes just my size with a speed of only two miles a minute!

It is time to get out of the way of the "big boys" traveling five miles a minute or faster. Between my current position and my destination is not only Stapleton Intern ational Airport, but also Buckley Air Field-an Air Force Base where supersonic military fighter jets buzz around. They communicate on their own UHFmil itary frequencies and my plane can't talk to them. My airspace is being squeezed by the heavy commercial traffic in and out of Stapleton. Totally Revi sed and Updated!

Now Including HF! Military Communications Satellite Channels! The cockpit panel keeps the pilot and ground personnel apprised of the plane's position, speed and altitude through several communications links. Flying skills at this point an: the least of a general aviation pilot's worries.

I strongly believe that fly ing the airplane is a secondary skill in this environment. Understanding quickly what else is going on in a twenty mile plus circle is of primary importance. Remember my aircraft, at two miles a minute, is the slowest player in the field. Anothcr"vchicle" twenty m iles away could ruin my day in less than five minutes. Proper radio communication techniques arc essential for navigation in and out of a busy metropol itan area.

If you have an interest in monitoring th is type of communication, search for frequenc ies near the ones I have listed in this article. Different areas of the country generally use the same freq uency for similar purposes. And of course, send your questions to Monitoring Times.

If you arc a private pilot, I encourage you lo invest in a scanner and spend some time just listening to hear how the "pros" do it.

A few hours of mon itoring will quickly reveal the experienced pilot and the novice. Most pilots arc highly professional, but unnecessarily lengthy transmissions and misunderstood instructions only cause confusion, clday and possible danger to the rest. The FAA controller quickly gave me instructions to switch to I had no sooner switched the dial, than I heard an advisory. EOT This was the opportunity, and challenge, I had been waiting for.

A chance to watch, from an observing pl atform two miles high, a high performance aircraft take off and depart on a clear blue day. I quickly switched other radios to monitor the Buckley tower on Within a mailer of minutes, I heard confirm ation that two F- 16 fighters were on the verge of departure. While all of this was going on I kept hearing in the background, in my headphones, the following: THOR,.. I never heard a response. On the third or fourth transmission, I realized that the FAA was not transmitting on a normal frequency, but was using the emergency channel As a mailer of habit, I have always tuned a spare radio to this frequency which is normally very quiet.

Obviously this was not a normal transmission but they had lost contact and were searching for some type of aircraft via radio. Unfortunately, I had no time to continue to monitor this situation.

Buckley airfield was less than ten miles off my left. My radio tuned 10 Buckley Tower suddenly became active with. Suddenly the two fighte r planes departed from left to right across my front.

In less than a minute the pair were at my altitude, a minute later they were only black specks high in the sky, speeding to a destination known only to the military. My radio scanning hobby allowed me 10 quickly react and monitor this situation from a unique vantage point. Two minutes later I wast. Tossing under their flight path and getting ready to land at Centennial Airport. Minutes later we were on the ground. As I went through the normal post flight checklist and wheeled my bird into the hanger, my mind went back to the events which had just occurred.

A camera is seldom close by when you need it, nor a tape recorder. Subsequent monito ring never revealed any further rransmiss ions related to the unknown aircraft THOR. I will never forget the mental picture I have of the two military jets, side by side, roaring silently to altitude in front of me.

On this day, thanks in large measure to my radio scanning hobby , l was truly " flying with the big boys. Denver Center Akron low N. Denver Center low S. Denver Center high S. UHF-AM Most of us enjoy some form of radio hobby listening or DXing, wh ether it be amateur radio, DXing shortwa ve broadcasters, scanning, or some other form of DXing. Un"rortunately, some of these pursuits can require specialized equipment, costing hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

But, there is one portion of the radio frequency spectrum that anyone can enjoy with nothing more elaborate than a table radio-the AM Broadcast Band. Here is a special technique to help you Some have heard all 50 states and many foreign countries on the BCB. It is now more diffic ult to log new stations, especially those at great distances. With the advent of modem, more efficient equipment requiring less upkeep, Monday morning silent periods long a traditional time during which stations would go off the air for transmincr maintenance have become fewer and fewer each year, lessening a DXer's opportunity to hear a weaker station in the lull.

Fortunately, there is a way that even a novice DX er can still hear those low-power, rare stations in this day of ever-crowded AM band conditions: DX tests. A DX test is a special broadcast by a station specifically for the purpose of allowing DXcrs a chance lo hear them.

Also, the Lcsls give interested engineers or station managers a chance to see just how well their transminer can "get out. During tests, stations are also allowed lo use their full power and normal antenna pattern which in many cases is omnidirectional.

The format of DX tests varies with each station. Most tests include frequent voice announcements and some easily identiliable music which can cut through the interference typically march music or polkas. Many stations also include Lest tones or Morse code which can include the station callsign and location during the test.

Because of its unique characteristics, Morse code can really cut through interference and help DXers at distances of miles or more make a positive identification.

In many cases, the Morse code is the only portion of a test that DXers at great distances can identify! When Do I Listen? Since some stations still go off the air on Monday mornings, this is usually when the band is least crowded. Conscqucnlly, it is more likely that a testing station will be heard al greater distances. Therefore, most DX lcsls are still arranged for Monday mornings. Scheduling problems do occasionally make it necessary Lo conduct tests on weekend mornings, or even during the middle of the week.

Many DX tests have been scheduled by two radio hobby clubs. You don't need elaborate equipment to hear DX tests. Anyreccivcr capableoftuning thcBCB will do. I regularly use a moderately-priced Sony portable and a 50 foot longwire antenna.

Some DXers have regular success in hearing DX tests on nothing more elaborate than a 20 dollar table. A loop antenna, however, will help null out interference from unwanted stations. Once you choose the radio and antenna to use, all you need is a little patience and luck to be rewarded with some very exciting catches.

What About QSLs? If you collect verifications, you're in luck! Since stations that conduct DX tests are especially interested in how far their signal is travelling, almost all of them readily verify reception reports. Some stations have their own special QSL cards printed especially for lhe test, but most seem to send out a lener.

When you send a reception report to a station that has conducted a DX test, be as specific with your in formation as possible. Note the time of each program detail music type, tones, Morse code, etc. If you recognize a song title, include it!

Although stations do not keep a record of song titles played during their hours of regular operation , most stations will note the titles and order of play for the music broadcast during a DX test. If you hear Morse code, try to copy as many of the characters as possible, and include this information in your report. For those who don't know Morse code, a tape recorder is a good idea, as this will allow you to play lhc code over and over while you reference a Morse code chart to translate the characters.

Many stations appreciate receiving a tape recording of their test, as this will allow them to actually hear how the signal was received at your location. As a courtesy, always include a fi rst class stamp for return postage.

Mail your report as soon as possible after the test, because some stations will not respond Lo reception reports for a DX test after a certain amount of time has passed. Above all, be friendly and be honest! More than one station has been turned off to the idea of DX tests and DXers as a whole because of a DXer's rudeness or "manufactured" reception report.

Newington, CT. Free word ad each month. Don't miss out! Foreign Write. Some stations are heard at great distances during a DX test. Accessories, etc. Sales Call Times, days and frequencies may be subject to change. Stations which conduct DX tests receive a certificate of appreciation for their public service files. These states are very difficult if not impossible for DXers living far away from the stations to hear during their regular hours of operation.

DX tests allow every DXer a chance to hear rare states and low-power stations that otherwise would be virtually imposs ible for them to log, even with elaborate equipment. As many of you know, Hawaii is a state that is very, very difficult to hear for DXers in the Eastern part of the U. Not only did the sheer distance involved make this one tough, but the fact that two 50, wall clear channel, hour stations operate on kHz-KOWN in Las Vegas and WGN in Chicago-made this one a pie-in -the-sky dream for many DXers.

However, by special arrangement with thclnternational Radio Clubof America who arranged the test , WGN in Chicago agreed to go off the air for at least a portion of the test period, allowing DXers in Alabama, Florida, Pennsylvania, and several other Eastern U. Most DX tests are scheduled during the prime DX season which runs from October to March of each year, although there may be a few tests which are scheduled during the months of September and April.

Right now we are in the middle of the DX season, so check the sources listed for times and dates. Good DX! A DX er s ince , 1. His DXing interests include shortwave broadcast. AM broadcast band, pirates and utilities. UTC 7. BOX Topeka. KS Please enclose 1 U. The test will include Morse Code. Power will be 10 kW. Reception reports may be sent to: Mr. Bill Roberts. Roberts requests that reception reports be sent to his home address of : 10th Slreet East.

Kalispell, MT Box , Honesdale, PA will conduct a DX test between and am , the power will be walls , and from to am. The test will include Morse code. Art Walker. Operations Manager. Wednesday, February 24, WSMl Box The test will include Morse code, tones and voice IDs and will be part of the station's monthly frequency check. Brian Talley. N90WV, Chief Engineer.

Talley requests an SASE be included with all reports. IA The program will consist of 1 kHz test tones and both voice and Morse code IDs. Reports should go to Bill Bishop, Program Director. It features watts, continuous coverage from 10 to 30 MHz, narrow bandwidth to suppress out-of-band signals. The lsoloop antennacomes fully assembled with no mechanical joints. There is simply no better value in antennas! This unit is essential for the serious digital listener.

Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc. PO Box C, th St. SW, Lynnwood. WA The purpose of the amateur radio license from Somali a, Africa, lies the Is land of Bougainville. Log in. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.

Thread starter Sonnie Start date Feb 25, Sonnie Senior Admin Staff member. Thread Starter. I would go ahead and get two of them Thinking about picking up the Dayton SA instead Really to be fair about it Anyone had any experience with the SA? Joined Oct 18, Messages 1, Sonnie said:. The more I have read about the Samson SA It's all the power I really need, but I still like having the headroom of the EP, which will give me right around watts of real power at 4ohms bridged.

The XLS is rated at watts and I believe puts out a real watts into 4 ohms. Looking at some of the response graphs, I think the class H in the EP might serve better below 20Hz, as it does not drop off quite as severely as the class D amps I have seen response graphs on. Fan loudness really isn't a big issue with the fan exchange being so easy. I've changed out a few of them on my older EP's. Sounds like some EP's would make sense then. I haven't owned Behringer amps long enough to speak to their reliability but they have a reputation of being decent as long as you don't abuse them.

I know a few people who go through them quickly but they also stress them pretty heavily. Szolni szolt, csak a vezerlo ic-k nagyon hamar felforrosodtak, igy gyartottam rajuk egy-egy szep nagy extra hutest. A gyari hutozaszlok nagyjabol a fele az ic-k adatlapjaban megadottnak, nem is ertem hogyan mukodott ez az erosito gyarilag. A kovetkezo huzas az volt, hogy amig fulhallgatoval szepen szol, mihelyst rakotom a muterhelest, az egyik csatorna kezd torzitani.

Idonkent helyrejon egy-egy kis idore, mintha kontakthiba lenne, de hiaba kocogtattam vegig a panelt, nem volt valtozas. A vegerosito panelt atforrasztottam, aztan ugyanez a 2 elulso panellal is, de a hiba maradt. Ha rakotom a muterhelest, egyik csatorna torzit, ha lekotom, a hang kitisztul.

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