Pdf to doc converter software download
Since it was introduced a couple of years ago, the portable document format PDF has been one of the most preferred formats for sharing files and storing information. Although it is mostly preferred for sharing documents on the internet, the fact that it cannot be edited can be really annoying and frustrating; especially if you want to modify a piece of information from a PDF report instantly or print certain pages from a PDF document.
This is why an effective PDF to Word converter is required. While there are many PDF to Word converters in the market today, most are not as effective as they should be,due to their slow conversion rate, tendency to ruin the original design of the document and inability to convert from PDF to more file formats.
It is the perfect PDF to Word solution. More formats are to be supported. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. FREE Download. How to. Uploading PDF files can be very inconvenient and time consuming if your files are large or if you have many files to convert.
Batch conversion. Partial conversion. Quick conversion. Easy to use interface. Standalone program. Published by FirePDF. Approximate size Age rating For all ages. Absolutely do not need Adobe Acrobat software support with Mirosoft Word. PDF to Doc Converter it is a multi-language software. Very fast conversion speed and no quality is lost complete documentation.
Full Specifications. What's new in version 6. Version 6. Release May 30, Date Added May 29, Operating Systems. Additional Requirements None. Format Factory is a leading file conversion software that lets you convert video and audio files from one format to another.
Since most tools allow conversions for limited file types, this program is. It checks the safety of your wireless connection and protects it against vulnera. Additionally, the. Cloudflare developed 1. The free program uses 1. How to convert PDF to Word? There are many free online PDF to Doc Word converter, the only problem is privacy, what happens to your file when you upload them to their server?
Do they store the PDF files? Do they read the PDF files and make them available online? For those with sensitive files, using these free services is out of question. If you insist on using any online, free web based converter, I highly recommend Google Docs.