Download files through ssh
Also I don't remember setting up anything on my machine for this. If you want download your project by Clone URL : you can use command line git clone.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. Active 5 days ago. Viewed k times. I'd greatly appreciate any assistance. Update: I am able to use this command on Linux. I have successfully download the folder onto my desktop: I still need insight onto how I can do this on a Windows machine. Improve this question. Martin Prikryl k 46 46 gold badges silver badges bronze badges.
SobieSki SobieSki 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 5 5 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Though PuTTY supports connection-sharing. I'm the author of WinSCP. Improve this answer. Martin Prikryl Martin Prikryl k 46 46 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Works great! Ashish Ashish 1, 11 11 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Compress: tar -zcvf archive-name. So you can use it in command prompt or power shell like bellow. Luan Souza Luan Souza 99 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 8 8 bronze badges.
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Can you elaborate more in your answer? For example, can you give an example how to use the WinSPC program? Considering that you already have archives in your server that you access using PuttY, right?
You already know this. So now you download and open the winSPC and when it starts, you can log your server in there. After this you can access the folder and select download. It's pretty easy. If you still have question, search on google about the program, or download its handbook.
For MobaXterm :. No text commands, no authentication, none of that. However, sometimes you will need to download a file from SSH to your local desktop, such as if you are using one of our Linux VPS servers. The two environments are too far apart.
First, we have a file on the remote server called filetodownload. This will give you the folder name, like this:. Replace the sections in bold with the information you gathered in step 1. For example, the command used for this example is:. Open up a command line in Windows. Windows 10 already has SCP installed by default. The color contrasts with the yellow, and syntax highlighting is a nice change from the drab command line.
As you can see, you first need to confirm the connection using the RSA fingerprint of the remote server. Replace [UserName] with your own Windows username. Each RSA fingerprint is added on a new line. This allows you to clear them easily by deleting an entire line at once if you ever need to remove an entry.
Navigate to the location you specified in your SCP command and the file should be visible.