Download programming actionscript 3 pdf
Word Games: Hangman and Word Search. Questions and Answers: Trivia and Quiz Games. Action Games: Platform Games. Game Worlds: Driving and Exploration Game. A Filipino programmer and baker.
When I have time to spare, I blog, play video games, watch series usually anime , cook dishes, draw, or spend a little time with pets. When I have the rare luxury of time, I get to travel and record song covers too! Your email address will not be published.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Catzie A Filipino programmer and baker. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Working with characters in strings. Obtaining string representations of other objects. Finding substrings and patterns in strings. Error handling in ActionScript 3. Handling synchronous errors in an application. Creating custom error classes. Responding to error events and status.
Comparing the Error classes. Example: CustomErrors application. Basics of regular expressions. Regular expression syntax. Assembling and transforming XML objects. Traversing XML structures. Reading external XML documents.
Basics of display programming. Advantages of the display list approach. Working with display objects. Manipulating display objects. Loading display content dynamically. Basics of using the drawing API. Understanding the Graphics class. Drawing shapes using built-in methods. Creating gradient lines and fills. Using the Math class with drawing methods. Animating with the drawing API. Example: Algorithmic Visual Generator.
Advanced use of the drawing API. Using graphics data classes. About using drawTriangles. Basics of filtering display objects. Creating and applying filters. Example: Filter Workbench. Basics of Pixel Bender shaders. Loading or embedding a shader.
Accessing shader metadata. Specifying shader input and parameter values. Working with MovieClip objects. Controlling movie clip playback. Creating MovieClip objects with ActionScript. Loading an external SWF file. Example: RuntimeAssetsExplorer. Use can use authentication - and until you give the client the cookie means it is authenticated he can't access the page.
You can look into FileReference. It will use the OS save dialog to save the file directly to the file system. It's still not really secure but it will not expose the URL directly in the browser window. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 10 years, 11 months ago. Active 9 years, 6 months ago.
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