First spaceship on venus download torrent
If you re-encode this into something usable such as XviD, you should note that the aspect needs to be corrected: x vs existing x Who would do a thing like that?
The film needs to be viewed in the context of when and where it was made. Comparing it to modern films would just make it look like a cheese-fest. It's actually pretty imaginatively done and was ahead of its time in a lot of ways. Although the special effects by today's standards is very poor and the acting stiff it's still worth a watch. The shadows of the Venusians on the rocks is a nice touch because you can see what they looked like without resorting to the same old " how creepy can we make the aliens look" routine.
Thanks for this movie and I'm sure I'll watch it again. Nevertheless, the whole film manages to evoke Kubrickesque feelings at times note that it was made before A Space Odyssey! Mort Dec 8, Details Edit. Release date October 31, United States. East Germany Poland. The Silent Star. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 1 hour 19 minutes. Related news. What do these 3 potential Oscar winners have in common? Mar 22 Gold Derby. And although its not said explicit, its a propaganda-movie for communism.
I never knew that it was shown in USA. I suppose they had to work it all over to get rid of that communistic ideology ;-. Reviewer: Andrew Anthony Sylvester - favorite favorite favorite favorite - January 23, Subject: Extremely Exciting The trailer for First Spaceship on Venus is really exciting -- it showcases a lot of special effects, has an urgent yet surprisingly not obnoxious narration, and really got me interested in watching the movie.
The trailer itself is worthy of five stars, but I had to knock one off because of the quality of the print -- the colors are really washed in this one. Otherwise great, definitely worth a look. Uploaded by unigon on September 16, Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Very cheesy Bad dubbing, bad acting.
BUT ahead of its time One of my favorite 'bad movies'. Get a glass of wine and enjoy the cheese. Reviewer: cosmico - favorite favorite favorite favorite - July 30, Subject: That ish Double Feature I first saw this film as one half of a Saturday matinee double bill with Varan the Unbelieveable.
Varan was your typical silly "big rubber monster" movie and naturally it was fun as a kid to watch toy cars and toy buildings get stomped and tromped, but This film haunted me for years until I finally saw it again on late-night TV years later remember, we didn't have cable, VCRs or DVDs in the s , and even on a black and white TV screen, it was a magical vision to see. I still like this movie a lot, but it just can't quite match my pre-teen memories of it.
So four stars to one of my best sci-fi movie memories Reviewer: skybandit - favorite favorite favorite - July 30, Subject: Inspirational By that I mean it inspired Roddenberry multiracial international crew playing chess and Lucas cute robot as Odious Comic Relief. Right up or down?