Marpol consolidated edition 2011 pdf free download

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, MARPOL Convention , is concerned with preserving the marine environment through the prevention of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances.

Its technical content is laid out in six Annexes, the first five of which were in the Convention, as modified by the Protocol, and cover pollution of the sea by oil, by noxious liquid substances in bulk, by harmful substances in packaged form, by sewage from ships and by garbage from ships.

Annex VI was adopted by the Protocol and covers air pollution from ships. It is a revised and updated version of the edition and contains the live resolutions on pollution prevention equipment that are currently applicable to new installations onboard ships. Annex VI aims to reduce emissions from ships through international regulations. Regulation 14 - Restricts SOx emissions from ships by introducing a maximum sulphur content in marine fuels of 4.

This publication features: the revised MARPOL Annex VI, the revised regulations on prevention of air pollution from ships engaged in international trade, including emissions limits and operational requirements for prevention of harmful emissions of ships' exhaust and cargo vapours. The Standard specification for shipboard incinerators, as well as other relevant information on prevention of air pollution from ships.

It also includes a preview of future IMO work by in the field of preventing harmful emissions from ships. This publication is a revised and updated version of the edition.

Skip to content. Marpol Book Review:. Author : T. The introductory general part of the Convention is outlines in the Protocols opening the document. The main provisions of the Conventions are contained in six Annexes to it. The second and third Annexes govern prevention of pollution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk and by harmful substances carried in packaged form. The fourth and fifth Annexes deal with the sewage and garbage pollution while the last Annex solely addresses atmospheric pollution from the ships including emission control, operation and maintenance of the diesel engines, incinerators and other shipboard equipment, as well as availability and quality of the fuel oil.

Each of the Annexes is arranged in standard form starting with the chapters with general information and regulations concerning survey, certification and control. The "Read Later" function allows you to add material to this block with just one click.

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