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This allows then on other GPS or in Google Earth to obtain not only tracking passage, but also a route between these points, therefore an order of passage. The points of the routepoint type and trackpoint have the same fields and the same values.
The commentfield takes the same values as format ITN, described above. This particular point also explains why, for the GPX format, only the New mode is enabled for the File parameter in setup screen. In this manner, the file can be used only once and its XML structure is correct if one closes it well before stopping Tripmaster.
The short, medium or long record format is also unavailable in the setup screen, because there is only one possible format for these GPX records. A KML tracking logs file can be edited with Wordpad or imported in Google Earth to directly visualize the points of passage and the recorded way. Example of KML file. This general log file is called tripsummary. Each time you use Tripmaster,when stopping it, a record is appended to this file with current values, generated during Tripmaster usage.
Each record contains, in the following order :. If you have Tomtom standard menu eg. If you have a tomtom. To do that, add a line :. You may create as many buttons as you want, in Tomtom menu, for Tripmaster, to recall it, when it's running in background, to record specific waypoints with specific comments.
If you add the hide keyword after the comment field in the CMD line , Tripmaster, when recalled, will record the waypoint and will stay running in background. None of these previous v1. This version fixes the bug found in v1. This version includes : logs may be recorded in POI format the audible speed alarm may be replayed at a specified interval the altitude may be displayed in a flashing message, even when Tripmaster is not on foreground and a surprise Version 1.
Maquettes Ecrivez-moi. How to install Tripmaster? Tripmaster can not be installed with Tomtom Home because it is not known as a Tomtom software. The name of the tracking log file is displayed under the title when the logs are activated. How can you use Tripmaster? To stop tracks logging, just click once again on the GPS coordinates zone. Color change At each click on the title zone, display switches from day to night, then night to automatic, then automatic to day.
Put Tripmaster in background If you click anywhere in the durations zone lower left corner , Tripmaster goes in background and you have again access to the Tomtom application. These are the following parameters [ Log files parameters : managed in the 1st setup screen ] trackformat kml tracksaving new trackcourse 30 trackdistance 2 0.
New new : Each time you activate the logs, a new file is created. In both modes, if you stop Tripmaster without stopping the logs, when you re-start Tripmaster, it will continue to logs datas in the current file.
According to the value of the Records records parameter, it may also contain the following elements : Long long : speed, altitude, distance Medium medium : altitude, distance Short short : altitude Second setup screen : Display and behaviour parameters These parameters may be set up in the second setup screen. These are the following parameters [ Setup parameters : managed in the 2nd setup screen ] inclinometer 1 processperiod gmtoffset 1 geoidfix no 49 displayaltitude yes 30 Inclinometer inclinometer parameter defines the time in seconds between 5 and 60 during which Tripmaster will store successive altitudes to determine the slope, rising or downward, of the current trip.
Display parameters These parameters may be set up in the third setup screen. This parameters may be set to : Day day : the day colors are selected Night night : the night colors are selected Auto auto : colors are selected according to the hour and of the GPS position, compared to the hours of sunset and sunrise. Compass compass parameter defines compass display : Num.
Units units parameter defines which units system will be used : Metric metric units system : kilometers for distance, meters for altitude and kilometers per hour for speed, Imperial english units system : miles for distance, feets for altitude and miles per hour for speed, Nautic nautic units system : nautic miles for distance, meters for altitude and knots for speed. Speed limit parameters These parameters may be set up in the fourth setup screen.
Colors parameters These parameters may be set up in the fifth setup screen. The bigger the number is, more present is the color to see the different colors codes, click here. Backgrounds parameters These parameters may be set up in the sixth setup screen. Internal usage parameters These parameters are used by Tripmaster to store some informations between two sessions. Example of CSV file in long record format "